The STEM Division has a number of extracurricular honor societies and clubs. Participate in a STEM club to learn new information and meet like-minded peers! Enhance your resume through involvement in a club or honor society. Contact the STEM Division at for more information.
Honor Societies
The Engineering and Architectural Honor Society: The Engineering and Architectural Honor Society is for students in an A.S. Engineering or Architecture program. Membership is extended by nomination of the Engineering/Technology/Architecture faculty to students who have completed at least 15 credits of the required courses in their major program with at least a 3.5 GPA in that program.
Mu Alpha Theta: Students with a strong interest and ability in mathematics are recognized through admission to Mu Alpha Theta. Mu Alpha Theta is a national honor society, which promotes scholarship in mathematics at two-year colleges. Requirements for admission are a 3.5 GPA in any credit mathematics course, an overall 3.25 cumulative GPA, and completion of MAT 144 or above.
Tau Alpha Pi: Tau alpha Pi, New Jersey Beta Chapter. The Tau Alpha Pi National Honor Society is a national honor society for students matriculated in an A.A.S. Engineering Technology program. Membership is extended by nomination of the Engineering/Technology/Architecture faculty to students who have completed at least 15 credits of the required courses in their major program with at least a 3.0 GPA in that program.
Architecture Club: The purpose of the Architecture Club shall be to enhance student knowledge of the history and significant importance of architecture, through social, recreational and educational avenues. The students and advisor work to achieve an architect’s vision by participating in field trips, visiting design conventions, urban sites, and attending building tours of significant works of architecture. Contact:
The Biology Club: The purpose of the Biology Club is to broaden student exposure to concepts and careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and to create a sense of community among our students. The purpose will be fulfilled through STEM related field trips, guest speakers, student discussions, laboratory tours, and academic guidance, etc. This organization is open to all UCNJ students interested in the STEM fields. Advisors: Dr. Felton and Dr. Montes-Matias